An international pool of candidates. Find the best one for your company.

Recruiting is known to be one of the most stressful tasks for employers, especially if that role is essential to company growth.

As Brexit and the pandemic leave their mark this, coupled with the disconnect between industry needs and education, has increased the number of UK skill shortages across many sectors, with open vacancies now at an all time high.

So, in a highly competitive, and candidate short market, how do you attract the best talent to join your business and ensure they stay when they are being headhunted more than ever before?

Fresh Talent International is the solution. Part of an established and successful group of UK-based companies, specialising in recruitment and investment in the United Kingdom, our expert team can support UK companies in securing top global candidates to fill those vacancies. We work with UK businesses to provide international applicants via the UK Skilled Worker visa scheme, helping to reduce the skill shortages among UK employers.

Why Fresh Talent International?

Fresh Talent International is the solution. Part of an established and successful group of UK-based companies, specialising in immigration and investment in the United Kingdom, our expert recruitment team can support UK companies in securing top global candidates to fill those vacancies. We work with UK businesses to provide international applicants via the UK Skilled Worker visa scheme, helping to reduce the skill shortages among UK employers.

Want to know how we can help you? Contact us for more information.

Our Process

In 3 Simple Steps

1. Register

Register Your Vacancies

2. Review

Review Appropriate Candidates and Skilled Worker Licence with Our Recruitment Experts

3. Fill

Fill Those Vacancies and Grow Your Business
0 M
Over 1 million UK Job Vacancies
0 k
Over 40,000 UK Companies with a Skilled Worker Visa Licence
Over 500 eligible Skilled Worker Job Categories

Why UK Companies Need to Source International Talent?

The company workforce is a business’ single, most important asset. Employees are the essential driving force to a company’s growth, development and long-term success. As the UK skill gap reaches an all time high, it has highlighted, more than ever, the disconnect between the skill gap and the UK education system. It is more important than ever for companies to source international talent. Increase the possibility of finding the best talent by sourcing top international candidates, and let Fresh Talent International support you every step of the way. 

Global Employment Solutions

Our mission is simple, we want to create a better future for our clients, their families as well as supporting UK homegrown companies in their journey sustained growth and development.

Are you an employer in the UK?

Register now with Fresh Talent International & access our database of multinational qualified candidates.

Our Group